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  3. 🔧 Setting up a survey round (Trust admin account)

Setting up and launching a survey round (Trust admin account)

Set up a survey round to get a survey link ready for distribution using a trust admin account

Once you have the final survey template, you're ready to launch the survey!

Step 1: Prepare for launch

  1. Open your survey template
  2. Click Prepare for launch
  3. Click Continue

Step 2: Add respondents

  1. Select the schools you want to add to the survey
  2. Click Add
    (it may take a while for the schools to be added!)

Step 3: Start survey

  1. Select all of the schools you have added in the Respondents and response table
  2. Click Actions
  3. Click Start
  4. Your survey is now active and you can share the survey links with the schools!