How to distribute the survey links for a trust-wide self-serve survey

Once your trust-wide survey is set up, it's time for school administrators to log in, retrieve and share their school's survey link.

School administrators can now retrieve their school's survey link

The survey link can be found in the Results section. This section will be very useful for monitoring the response counts in real time while the survey is open. To find their survey link, school administrators should:

  1. Go to section Results, find the right survey and click on Respondents

  2. Highlight and copy the school’s unique link under Survey link

  3. Share the link with respondents!

Trust administrators can view and retrieve all school survey links for backup

If any assistance is needed, trust administrators can find all school survey links in the Surveys section, as well as in the Results section. To view all survey links in the Results section, trust administrators should:

  1. Go to section Results, find the right survey and click on Respondents

  2. Find the right link needed for backup. Be careful not to mix up links!


Are survey links shared with respondents automatically?

No, schools need to copy and share their survey link with the respondents. This ensures you're in control of sending out the survey. We recommend using internal channels (e.g. internal messaging system or weekly meetings) and you can complement that by sharing visual aids in-schools to drive engagement. To support you with this, we’ve prepared an example introductory email, as well as a poster that you can put up in schools:

Email template: Introducing the survey

Poster template: Introducing a survey

As a trust administrator, can I share the survey links with each school?

Whilst you can view and retrieve all school survey links, we recommend that each school retrieves its own link from their account. This ensures that every school has the correct link and prevents any mix-ups.

How to copy the survey link?

Highlight the link under the Survey link column, copy it and it's ready for sharing. You can also double check that the survey's intro page has your school's name as well as the correct survey title.

How can I be sure I have the right survey link?

After clicking on the survey link, double check if you see the right school name right below the survey's title. If it's incorrect, go back to the steps above!