Staff Survey Privacy Notice


Why are we carrying out a staff survey?

We run an annual staff survey to gather a greater understanding of what it is like to be an employee within a United Learning school or within Central Office. We will use the feedback to ensure that your school and United Learning are great places to work and to identify how we can improve as employers and as providers of education to the children and young people in our care.

Legal basis for processing the answers that you provide.

You do not have to complete this survey.  If you choose to respond we will use/process your answers as set out below. Our legal basis for doing this will be that it is in the legitimate interests of United Learning.

Who is Edurio?

Edurio Ltd is an educational survey company who we commission to administer our annual staff, parent and pupil surveys.

What information will we share with Edurio in advance of the survey?

We will share your name, contract status, work email address and age with Edurio in order for them to provide you with a personalised survey link as well as allowing them to provide technical support to you. This data also ensures respondents are prevented from submitting a survey more than once and schools have access to a greater level of analysis once the survey closes.

Who will see my survey responses?

Your answers will go directly to Edurio and anonymised responses will be shared with your headteacher and school leadership team through the Edurio platform. Single person response data will never be presented on the Edurio platform and will always be aggregated to a minimum of three individuals’ responses.

To support our commitment to improving our organisational responses to the challenges of diversity & inclusion and  recruitment & retention, an individual on the data team at central office will be completing additional analysis of responses against HR data such as absence or employment status in order to identify patterns across the workforce.  To do this they will be given access to pseudonymised* responses.

Any reports produced through this analysis will not identify you.

*Pseudonymised data can no longer be attributed to a specific person without the use of additional information

Will I be identifiable by responding to the survey?

Answers will not be traceable back to any individual employee unless you write something that identifies you in a free text response.  We will never make any attempt to identify an individual, nor will Edurio.

Where will the survey data be stored?

The responses will be stored on Edurio’s servers which are within the EU[1]. Pseudonymised data will be shared by Edurio with United Learning via the Secure Transfer of Personal Data Procedure. United Learning will store the data on Office 365 where it is encrypted as standard. All data is held on servers that are located within the EU.  Access to the data will be restricted to a single specified user with unique permissions and the file password protected to prevent unauthorised access.

How long will Edurio keep the survey responses for in personalised form?

Responses will be kept for 12 months on the platform and a further 12 months on their backup server.

How long will United Learning keep the pseudonymised responses for?

These will be kept for 10 years to allow for year to year comparisons.

How can you access the information we hold about you?

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that United Learning holds about you (called a subject access request).  Please contact: if you wish to exercise this right. Further information about your rights (to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, objection to processing and right to data portability) can be found in the Employee Privacy Notice, a copy of which is on United Hub.

If you have any questions, please contact

Legal information

The Data Controller for the Independent Schools is United Church Schools Trust.

The Data Controller for Academies is United Learning Trust.

United Learning is the operating name for these two charities.

The Data Processor is Edurio.

The Data Protection Officer is Alison Hussain

[1] Post Brexit it will remain fine under UK law for us to store data in the EU.
