Why are we carrying out this survey? 


You will know that your child’s school is part of United Learning, a group of schools across England.

The main aim of this survey is to understand how parents feel about different aspects of their child’s school and learning.  It also aims to gather specific information on parents’ perceptions from a customer service perspective about:

The quality of communication and partnership with the school;

How parents support their children’s education at home, including what the school could do to help parents to take a more active role.

This survey is being run on our behalf by a company called by Edurio an educational survey company who keep their data within the EU.  Edurio uses SendGrid to send emails and have an appropriate data sharing agreement in place.


Legal basis for processing the answers that you provide: 

You do not have to complete this survey.  If you choose to respond we will use/process your answers as set out below.  Our legal basis for doing this will be that it is in the legitimate interests of United Church Schools Trust.


How will we use your answers? 

We will analyse the responses that we receive alongside the information that we already hold about your child such as attainment data, pupil characteristics and pupil survey data in order to achieve the aims set about above.


Who has access to your answers? 

Your answers will be analysed by Edurio in order to provide our school leaders and school improvement teams with anonymised survey results.  This means that your child’s school will not be able to identify you from the information that Edurio collates and provides to them unless you say something in your responses that identifies you.  The answers that you provide will also be analysed by a small team at United Learning’s central office.   Any reports they produce using the survey responses will not identify you or your child.   All staff who have access to the survey data at both United Church Schools Trust and Edurio have a duty to keep the responses confidential.


How long will we keep your answers for? 

We will keep the individual responses that you provide in for 10 years, once individual responses have been deleted we will retain aggregated scores so that we can compare the results of this survey with any future surveys.


How can you access the information we hold about you? 

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that United Church Schools Trust holds about you (called a subject access request).  Please contact: company.secretary@unitedlearning.org.uk. if you wish to exercise this right.  Further information about your rights (to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, objection to processing and right to data portability) can be found in the Pupil and Parent/Carer Privacy Notice, a copy of which is on your school’s website.


The data controller for personal information collected under this survey is United Church Schools Trust.
