Monitoring response counts and driving engagement

View your survey's response counts in the Results section. Try different ways of maximising the response counts!

Monitoring response counts

  1. Navigate to the Results section
  2. Find your active survey and click Respondents
  3. View response counts in the column Respondents

What's a good response rate?

We like to say that gathering at least half of your stakeholder voices is excellent. Striving for a 100% response rate is often unrealistic and there’s no point in setting yourself up against an almost impossible goal. Keep in mind, the response rates can differ among each of your organisation’s groups - staff, pupils, parents, governors, and trustees. If you have run a survey for the same respondent group before, aim to have a slightly larger response rate the next time, as you may have better insight into getting them to respond.

The averages and ranges we have seen for Edurio-facilitated surveys:

  • Pupils: 73% (range: 34%-91%)
  • Staff: 63% (range: 30%-94%)
  • Parents: 30% (range: 8%-70%)

Driving engagement

Getting a good amount of responses is important for you to later have a representative respondent body.

Mr_EdurioHere are our tips on how to maximise your survey's response rate!

Prepare yourself for possible questions from respondents about the survey. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Edurio surveys: FAQs